Lisa Tassone

A curious person that often finds herself learning and building all kinds of things - and apparently, talking in the third-person.

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹, I'm Lisa, a web application engineer that has been shifting pixels and getting computers to do things for many years. My parents still don't understand what I do, and let's face it, engineering is all about problem solving, so you often won't know what you are doing - until you've done it!

This is where I think my inherent curiosity turns into a super power.

Some musings

My front-end testing stack for 2023

With the amount of testing tools available to cover the full breadth of front-end code, I feel like testing can be its own stack! Here's the stack I'm currently using, and how its changed from a few years ago.

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Replacing Switch statements with a component map

A different approach to implementing Switch logic.

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How I reupholstered my favourite vintage armchair

I really wanted to fix up the cushions on my favourite armchair but I hadn't used a sewing machine since year 8 Home Economics class. I did it though! It was interesting, challenging and very rewarding.

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Oh no, the Big O!

Ever wanted to calculate how performant your code is? Well you can! Using Big O notation! While itโ€™s a subject of Computer Science, if you find yourself without a CS degree, you may have come to learn about it while searching for ways to write better code. Itโ€™s also a great way to discuss the efficiency of algorithms among other developers.

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UI updates laggy? Meet useLayoutEffect

Recently I had to create a new combobox component (SearchSelect) for the Sked-UI design system and encountered an interesting problem.

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How TailwindCSS helps you implement a design system (and why it can be better than CSS-in-JS solutions)

Plain ole' CSS gets a little forgotten these days with so many CSS-in-JS solutions being announced every year. This article talks about why it can still be the best choice at the end of the day if you take the right approach.

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